3 Girls 1 Kitten Video: Get All Details About 3 Girls 1 Viral Cat on Twitter

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38 thoughts on “3 Girls 1 Kitten Video: Get All Details About 3 Girls 1 Viral Cat on Twitter”

  1. Evey single girl in the video is beyond retarded and all deserve to die for their actions and I hope when they die hod shows them no mercy

  2. Evey single girl in the video is beyond retarded and all deserve to die for their actions and I hope when they die god shows them no mercy

    • I am so fucken done with this world u fucken cruel pieces of fucking shit. No fucken animal deserves that animals are the nicest fucking thing in this world I swear they are nicer hen fucking humans and I’m talking about animals that attack as well they are still nice I will fuck ur life up if I had the chance everyone would I would stomp on your fucken head till you can’t breath and be on my phone as well while doing it. What the fuck is this world now

  3. I hope they suffer in hell I hope when they die they get there life stomped out of them the why they did to that poor kitten

  4. i hope they suffer in hell and demons stomp them forever so they will know how it hurts to be stomped by someone i hope god never bless them

  5. I hope this cat dies the same to them in hell i hope the suffer to dead i swear allah will do the same do you but not he will kill u the cat will do the same Thing u did i hope u die any second

  6. Fucking whores you must die in hell suffering for what you did to a poor little cat who didn’t do anything to you. Die of cancer bitches die trampled like the cat bitches

  7. Everything you did to this cat will take revenge on you, you have a black heart, No one will love you, I wish you would enter the to prison

  8. The cat did nothing wrong and seemed like a sweet cat, every fucking girl and cameraman should be in jail for fucking animal abuse

  9. Amit éppen láttam felkavaró volt, nem tudtam elfönteni hogy sírjak vagy hányak , nyilván a másokért sírni tudnék szegény állat semmit sem tett, de ettől a 3 lánytól eszement agyatlan geci már bocsánat, ezeket remélem ugyan így fogják megőlni ugyan ezt érdemlik egyszerűen nem tudtam teljesen tovább nézni,…, szegény macska , ilyenkor még kérdezem mindig hogy ezeket nem kaptak nevelést nincs szüleik ? Baj van az agyatlan az biztos ezek nem is emberek , még állatnak se mondhatoak, ezek olyan mint az emberi szar kb, néha még kérdezik tőlem hogy miért utálod az embereket nah ezért mert nem lehet tudni hogy ki vagy melyik mire képes , tisztelet a kivételnek, remélem az a 3 agyatlan kurva még kapja méltó büntetését

  10. I will kill your mother’s family, I will kill your mother’s, not yours, you non-humans, I don’t want to see you anymore, I will torture you so much that it will be Monagon, where are you?

  11. These three fucking girls are a fucking piece of shit that even Satan doesn’t want to accept I hope those mother fuckers die the cat didn’t even do anything like WTF I would fucking beat their ass up

  12. To be honest I think that this was funny as fuck lmao, I like my whores this way and fuck that little useless bag of feces you people call a cat


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