Elden Ring: 9 Best-Looking Armor Sets, Ranked

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6 thoughts on “Elden Ring: 9 Best-Looking Armor Sets, Ranked”

  1. This article and list is atrocious and it has to be satire, because it is just the worst. Horribly written with falsities and bad associations throughout.

  2. Was this copy and pasted from ChatGPT or a drunk child?

    Numerous grammatical and spelling issues. Terrible article.

  3. Brad? Bin laden?

    This article has awful English, a lack of understanding about the game, and worst of all almost no accurate information.

    Was this written by AI?

  4. Personaly, i think that the Bandage Glide set is one of the bestlooking ifnot the best set in the game, i cant beleve that it isnt on the list😤😤😤

  5. Thanks for the shoutout my armor was crafted with the delicacy you would see associated with a pair of towers!


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